4 Steps to Better Customer Conversations

2 people sitting on a couch having a conversation

Imagine if you could have radically different conversations with your customers. What would they look like?

Well, it turns out that you can. All it requires is the right methodology. Listening better and providing more of what they want is often the ticket to a fantastic service everyone enjoys.

So, for better customer conversations, what should you be doing?

Step 1: Listen Actively

The first step is to listen actively to customers and try to understand their needs. While it might feel forced at first, not interrupting them is one of the best things you can do, even if they are wrong.

You can also encourage them. For example, you can use non-verbal cues to support them, such as nodding in agreement or leaning in to signify engagement if you’re with them in person.

If there’s a break in the conversation, also feel free to paraphrase what they just said. This way, you can prove you understand them.

Step 2: Use Clear Positive Language

The next step is to work on your communication skills. Offering them clear and positive language is often one of the best ways to get them on your side and win them over.

Try to cut through the jargon if you can. Don’t use words that your customers might not understand.

Also, avoid framing things in a negative light. Even if you can’t do something, suggest to the client on the other end of the phone or line what you can do. Try to avoid coming across as miserly as this can inflame the situation even more.

Step 3: Integrate Conversations with Your Technology

The third step is to integrate conversations with your technology. You want everything to line up and make sense, even if different people interact with the customer in question.

One option is to use Zoho customization services. The idea here is to get everyone using your CRM on the same page. Even if a customer has called before but wants to talk to someone else, you already have all the necessary information required to provide them with top-quality service.

Step 4: Ask Open-Ended Questions

You can also sometimes improve situations by asking open-ended questions. These aim to explore the customer’s needs further and give them more opportunities to describe what it is that they really want.

For example, you could say things like, what would your ideal outcome be? That gives you a benchmark for what they’re looking for.

Usually, customers will just want simple things like a restoration of service or a refund for services that they haven’t received. However, they will sometimes use a question like this to test you and see what you’re prepared to give them.

Usually, it makes sense to be generous in these situations. But you’ll have to use judgement. If you can’t be generous, find a compromise or be as fair as you can.

Sometimes, you can give customers things like gift vouchers they can use to get other items from your store that they want. You can also offer additional services to remedy issues. The key is to have better customer conversations in order to have a great transaction on both sides.

Photo from Pexels