Help for Yeast Infections During Pregnancy

Yeast infections are incredibly common, and women of all ages can suffer with this irritating problem, and throughout pregnancy it can get far worse. These infections are never fun but yeast infections during pregnancy can be extra rough. Many women will discover that a yeast infection is common when they are expecting a baby. Therefore, seeking a solution to the problem is essential, and will ensure that your pregnancy is comfortable.

Your body is an amazing thing, and there are several different factors that can contribute to you suffering with yeast infections during pregnancy. The fungus Candida is present in your body at all times, however if supplied with the perfect environment it can grow and spread rapidly. You may be shocked to discover that this yeast is present at all times but it is completely natural and normal.

More About Yeast Infections During Pregnancy

Well there are several different factors that can make the yeast grow rapidly throughout your body, including hormone changes, personal hygiene, and your diet and lifestyle. By making small changes to your diet, you will see a huge difference in the way that you feel, and the yeast infection will subside.

Carbohydrates, processed foods and sugar can all make the yeast infections during pregnancy thrive, and cause issues throughout your pregnancy. The estrogen level in your body will increase when you are pregnant, which produces more glycogen, which helps the yeast to grow. Some doctors also believe that the extra glycogen causes the yeast to stick to your vaginal walls.

Medications Can Also be an Issue

There are several different medications that can be an issue when you are attempting to keep the yeast levels low in your body. Antibiotics are a massive problem, and can help the fungus to thrive, and be harder to eliminate. This style of medication can cause the good bacteria in your body to be affected, which allows the fungus to grow. If you want to learn more about yeast infections during pregnancy, that is worth knowing.

Symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infections During Pregnancy

Yeastrol BannerIn the early stages of the yeast infections during pregnancy, you may be unaware that there is anything wrong, however, once the infection spreads, you will experience the clear signs of a yeast infection. Some women experience all of the symptoms and others only have one or two. Therefore, you need to ensure that you know all of the symptoms, and can assess if you have a yeast infection.

A burning sensation when you urinate is one of the first signs that there is a problem, followed with itching, irritation, redness and a discharge. This discharge may be odourless, but some women experience a yeasty smell. It may also be white, or yellow in colour and can be quite thick and lumpy, often resembling cottage cheese.

Can a Yeast Infection Hurt My Baby?

Thankfully there are no negative effects from the vaginal yeast infection, which can be passed to your baby in the womb. That is one reassuring thing about yeast infections during pregnancy you might’ve been concerned about. The infection is prominent in the external areas of your vagina and never causes a problem further inside you. At no stage of the infection will the development of your baby be affected, which is pleasing for expectant mothers to know.

How to Treat the Infection When You are Pregnant

Treating yeast infections is straightforward, and there are many effective, affordable treatments for you to choose. If you are concerned about purchasing over the counter treatments, you should consult a doctor before you begin a treatment. Over the counter anti fungal creams are excellent and will often be recommended by your doctor. Once you have found the perfect treatment, you can control the yeast in your body and enjoy your pregnancy. You need to know about yeast infections during pregnancy first though.

Taking the Yeast Infection Test to Determine the Correct Diagnosis

There are several different infections that can cause the symptoms of itchiness, redness, and discomfort when going to the toilet. Therefore, taking a test will help you to correctly diagnose your problem. You need to ensure that you have a vaginal yeast infection, before you search for treatment options.

Yeast Infections During Pregnancy: Visiting a Doctor is Essential

This is important, especially when you are expecting. You will need to visit a doctor, which can help you to determine the style of infection that you have, and the best way to treat the problem. At the medical clinic, you will be asked a series of questions, which can help to determine the problem. Having a full examination and discussing your concerns with the doctor is always beneficial.

The doctor will ask basic questions regarding your symptoms, how long you have had the infection, and any medication history. Being honest is essential, as the doctor needs to determine what is causing the yeast infection, and how to treat it effectively. If you have suffered with yeast infections in the past, you need to discover, what is causing the problems.

Straightforward Tests for You to Take

Want to know if you have yeast infections during pregnancy or if it’s something else? Taking a vaginal culture sample can help to determine the form of infection that you have, and ensure that it is a straightforward yeast infection. Your doctor will be able to take the culture, and send it off for analysis. Often a doctor will be able to determine that you have an overgrowth of yeast, by simply examining you.

If they are unsure whether you have yeast infections during pregnancy, a blood test can also be taken, which will help to determine if there is an underlying issue. Other health related issues such as diabetes, and pregnancy can cause vaginal yeast infections. By having blood taken, your doctor will be able to determine if you are healthy in other areas.

Pelvic Examination to Perform the Test

You may be embarrassed by the fact that you have to have a pelvic examination but this can be an effective way to determine the extent of your problem. Your doctor will be able to assess the level of inflammation, and examine the skin surrounding your vulva. Doctors see these areas of women every day so you should not be embarrassed.

Yeast Infections During Pregnancy: Once the Diagnosis has been Made

Yeastrol BannerIf you do have a yeast infection, the doctor will need to decide the best form of treatment for your problem.

If it is the first time that you have suffered with a vaginal yeast infection, over the counter medications will be perfect. The 7 day course will be effective, and ensure that the yeast infection clears up, and the symptoms stop.

However, if this is not the first yeast infection that you have suffered with, determining the cause is essential.

There are many different factors which can cause yeast infections during pregnancy including your lifestyle, diet and hygiene. You need to ensure that you receive treatment as soon as the symptoms appear, as yeast infections are believed to increase your chances of contracting HIV.

Yeastrol is an excellent treatment. It is all-natural so fine to use during pregnancy to get rid of your yeast infection, and fast!

Yeast Infections During Pregnancy: Home Remedies Can Work

Some women prefer to use home treatments for yeast infections during pregnancy as they are cheaper and natural, which is ideal. You can choose a range of different products, including garlic, honey, vinegar, natural yogurt, curds, and cranberry juice. Water is another effective item, which can help to flush your system and remove the toxins from your body.

No Sexual Contact Just Yet

There is a high risk of spreading the infection to your partner; therefore, avoiding any sexual contact is advised. Even if you use condoms, the infection can still be spread, causing more problems in the future. It is far better to treat the problem, remove the infection, and enjoy sexual intercourse rather than it being uncomfortable.

Taking the yeast infection test is vital, and can save you time, effort and money on treatments which are pointless. Having a yeast infection can be painful, and you will want to seek out a cure as soon as possible. Once you have been diagnosed, you can begin the treatment and remove the horrible symptoms.

Top 10 Natural Cures for Vaginal Yeast Infections

When you are suffering with a vaginal yeast infection, you may visit your doctor who will prescribe over the counter treatments. These are effective but can be expensive and many people prefer natural alternatives. You may also find that the creams and tablets begin to aggravate the problem, and the yeast infection will not improve.

1 Prevention is Far Better than Cure

Once you have a yeast infection, you will soon realize that you do not want it to return, therefore, preventing the problem is far better. This can be easily achieved with correct hygiene, including changing out of wet bathing suits, and wearing loose clothing. Cotton underwear is advised, and not sharing personal belongings can make a huge difference. You might not even get yeast infections during pregnancy if you do this, even if they’re a regular thing for you.

2 Small Changes to Your Lifestyle and Diet

Many people do not realize that their diet can affect the chances of experiencing a yeast infection and that by removing certain foods and drinks, you will feel so much better. Minimizing other problem items will help you to prevent another break out of yeast. Drinking plenty of water and less alcohol will help, and cutting out stress can be beneficial.

3 Cutting Down on Prescription Drugs

Unfortunately, we have become a world where it is far too easy to pop a pill, and wait for a cure; however, many of the drugs that you take may affect the balance of yeast throughout your body. Antibiotics are brilliant, but your body can become immune, which will cause the yeast to grow and be problematic. This can cause yeast infections during pregnancy.

4 A New Diet Can Help

You will need to assess what you consume on a daily basis, and if possible cut out all problem foods, which include:

  • Yeast, which is present in many different foods and drinks, including bread, pizzas and cakes
  • Sugar, which can be found in both packaged products and natural food such as fruit
  • Dairy products, which have a high lactose content, including yogurt, milk and cheese

Yeastrol BannerFoods and drink you are recommended to eat:

  • Herbal teas and natural leaves either hot or cold
  • Water should be drunk every day, and at least 8 glasses
  • Vegetables are excellent, and all varieties can be eaten
  • Whole grain, including brown rice, oatmeal and millet
  • Fruits will low sugar content such as cherries, pears, berries and apples
  • Protein such as meat, poultry, fish, and soy products
  • Probiotic supplements, which can be found in health stores

5 Understanding the Food You Consume

Far too many people shop without actually reading what is in the ingredients of the food they are buying. Therefore, reading the labels on packaging will ensure that you understand what you are eating, and what can be removed. Sticking to the strict diet is essential to help you fight the yeast infection.

6 Using Household Ingredients to Treat the Problem

Honey, garlic, vinegar and natural yoghurt are all excellent items, which can help you to fight yeast infections during pregnancy. Tea tree oil, coconut oil and grape seed are perfect for applying to the affected area to help with soreness, and itching. Application can be done throughout the day, and although messy you will find that it brings a huge amount of relief.

7 Eating Licorice Can Help

Licorice is an excellent product to help you stimulate hormones, which will help to fight the yeast infection. This favourite sweet will release estrogen friendly steroids, which can counteract the natural ones within your body.

8 Drink Plenty of Electrolyte-Heavy Drinks

These amazing drinks will help your body to fight infection, and can give you added energy and a health boost. You will need to drink the juice at least six times a day, three with meals, to ensure that it works effectively. The juice can be made at home using a glass of filtered water, half a lemon squeezed, and ¼ teaspoon of Celtic salt.

9 Colon Cleansing is Amazing

Cleansing your body is vital, and can make a huge difference to the way that you feel and ensure that the Candida can no longer thrive. Consider this for yeast infections during pregnancy. You will be able to naturally wash out the toxins that have built up in your body, and assist your digestive system to make friendly bacteria. Mixing cayenne pepper with garlic and cider vinegar, will create the perfect colon cleanse

If you decide to use some of these natural treatments, you will see an improvement immediately, and ensure that the yeast infection is controlled. There are others available if you prefer alternatives, and once you find the treatment that works, you will be far happier.

Pregnancy is an incredible time but there are several different health issues and problems that become more prone during this period. Yeast infections tend to be dominant when you are pregnant, and even if you have never suffered before, you are likely to experience symptoms and problems throughout your pregnancy.

Some woman panic if they get a yeast infection throughout their pregnancy. However, if it is diagnosed early it can be treated incredibly easily. There are several different treatments that will help to clear the infection. These may be over the counter creams which are safe during pregnancy, or natural remedies, which you can find at home.

10 Seeking Medical Advice for Peace of Mind

yeast infections during pregnancyYou may be more cautious when you are pregnant, so if you have any concerns regarding the symptoms you are experiencing, you must seek medical advice. Yeast infections during pregnancy are not harmful to the baby, but not nice either!

You need to check that the symptoms you are experiencing are related to having a yeast infection. You may be confident that your symptoms are only a yeast infection; however, it is worth seeking a second opinion.

There are also antibiotics which should not be taken during pregnancy so unless you are treating the symptoms naturally it is worth asking for advice.

Yeastrol is an excellent treatment. It is all-natural so fine to use during pregnancy to get rid of your yeast infection, and fast!

During the first trimester, your baby is incredibly vulnerable; therefore, you want to ensure that you never place them at risk. Once you move into the second trimester, you will not need to be as cautious; however, choosing the correct medications is essential.

Once you have established that you do have a yeast infection, you will need to decide how to treat the problem. There are several fantastic natural ways to deal with the problem and symptoms that you may find you have. Natural yogurt is excellent and will help with the itching and discomfort that you are experiencing.

Over the Counter Remedies for Yeast Infections During Pregnancy

However, if you would prefer to use over the counter remedies there are some available that are safe to use during pregnancy. Drinking plenty of water and maintaining a healthy diet will also help with your yeast infection. Understanding why you are suffering with the yeast infection is essential, and will ensure that it does not spread further.

Yeast is always present throughout your body; however, as your hormone levels increase during pregnancy, the yeast spreads rapidly. Then yeast infections during pregnancy become problematic. You may find that you sweat far more than usual when you are pregnant, which provides the ideal breeding ground for yeast. Remaining as healthy as possible throughout your pregnancy will ensure that you have a pleasurable time.