Grilled Avocado with Pico de Gallo | Keto Friendly

Grilled Avocado with Pico de Gallo

Grilled avocado with pico de gallo is light but truly satisfying. I just love all the different flavors in there and yes – you can grill avocado! There are so many wonderful avocado recipes to choose from, especially if you are looking for keto recipes (high fat and low carb). Avocados are really versatile; they […]

Spinach Potato Knishes – Jewish Comfort Food

Spinach Potato Knishes Recipe

I first tried spinach potato knishes (pronounced kuh-NISH-es) at Kenny and Ziggy’s in Houston TX, and wow was this some spectacular comfort food. I’m British so I am used to Cornish pasties (a tasty pastry-enclosed meat and potato recipe from the southwest corner of England) and I also enjoy pastry-wrapped or pastry-enclosed vegetable recipes for […]