Steps to Take after Losing a Loved One

losing a loved one what to do first

Going through the process of grieving a lost loved one is never easy and we will all feel the pain of losing a loved one at some point. Whether you experience a loved one‘s unexpected death or they have been ill for some time, it is never going to be easy to let go and […]

Predictive Algorithms: How and Why You’re Being Tracked Digitally

How Predictive Algorithms Seem to Know You So Well Have you ever found it strange that your phone, tablet or computer seems to be listening to you and maybe even knows you better than you even know yourself? The correlation between data and predictive algorithms is becoming an increasingly hot topic. So, let’s take a […]

If You are Starting a New Business, Do These Things Right Away

starting a new business

Starting a New Business Having a business idea for what you believe to be the next best thing is one thing. Determining whether or not it will be successful and bringing it to market is quite another. While it takes hard work and dedication to work towards your dream and bring it to fruition, you […]