Blue Zone Diet: What is It and Why It Works

healthy blue zone foods

The Blue Zone Diet has become a popular topic of discussion in the health and wellness industry in recent years. But what exactly is it, and what makes it so unique? In short, the Blue Zone Diet is a way of eating that focuses on incorporating foods that are commonly consumed by people who live […]

Beating the Staleness of Style: What are the Benefits of Changing Your Style Every Few Years?

Most people find a style they’re comfortable with and think this is where they should stay. But we can all benefit from switching up our style every few years. It can offer several benefits, not just for ourselves but in terms of our social life. So what are the main advantages of updating your style […]

Maintaining Physical Health Helps Your Mental Health: Here’s Why

Your mental health feeds off of your physical wellbeing and vice versa. Have you ever noticed one slipping when the other is in bad shape? Like feeling a bit sick and ‘headachey’ when you’ve had a bad day? It’s because your brain and body work together at all times, and nurturing one to ensure the […]