How Can Reducetarianism Help the Planet While Making You Healthier?


Vegetarianism, veganism, flexitarianism, and pescetarianism are the best known zero- or reduced-meat lifestyles. But there is another regimen on the block that could boost your physical and mental health while enabling you to reduce your carbon footprint. It’s called reducetarianism and it essentially involves reducing the number of animal products (meat, eggs and dairy) you […]

Grilled Eggplant Recipe | How to Make Grilled Aubergine

grilled eggplant

This is a simple eggplant recipe but definitely one of the best recipes for grilled eggplant ever. Like a lot of grilled vegetable recipes, the great thing about this one is its simplicity. The eggplant is grilled to perfection and then served with pine nuts, basil, and goat’s cheese. The balsamic vinegar drizzled over the […]

Cheese Soup Recipes: 5 of the Most Comforting

cheese burger soup crock pot

Do you like cheese soup? How about cheese and beer soup or even a recipe for cheddar broccoli soup? Perhaps not the healthiest option out there, there’s no doubt cheese soup recipes offer comforting, melty, gooey deliciousness in every spoonful. Sometimes, especially when the weather is less than warm, a bowl of cheese soup is […]