Improving Your Dental Practice with These 3 Tips

improving your dental practice

How are you, as a healthcare provider, meeting the needs of your patients? If this isn’t something you are asking yourself regularly, the chances are you are unaware of their needs, or you are failing massively at meeting them. As a patient-orientated dental practice, the thing that drives everything you do is the patient’s needs. […]

Your Personal Guide to Navigating the World With a Tiny Tot

traveling with a baby

Many parents give up on travel entirely after they have children. But that’s a shame. Today’s airlines and hotels are more accommodating to babies than ever before, allowing you to have a family and travel at the same time. But what practical steps do you need to take if you are planning on taking your […]

How the Great Outdoors Can Be Your Wellness Wingman

being outdoors is healthy

Have you ever considered that the best therapist might have feathers, or perhaps leaves? No, we’re not suggesting you spill your life’s woes to the nearest pigeon or oak tree (although, no judgment if you do). We’re talking about the great outdoors! Let’s go on a journey to discover how Mother Nature can be your […]

Self-Care and Self-Development: 4 Great Hobbies for Mental Health

mental health hobbies

In the pursuit of a balanced life that fulfills us, we should incorporate hobbies that promote our mental health. Activities that help us relax, bring us joy and instill us with a sense of accomplishment will definitely have profound effects on our mental state. Sometimes it’s just as simple as recognizing that you need a […]